Theorems, lemmas, and other proclamations

Theorems and lemmas are varieties of theorem environments. In this document, a theorem environment called lemma has been created, which is used below. Also, there is a proof, which is in the predefined pf environment. The lemma and proof below illustrate the use of the enumerate environment.

Lemma 2.1   Let f, gA(X) and let E, F be cozero sets in X.
  1. If f is E-regular and FE, then f is F-regular.

  2. If f is E-regular and F-regular, then f is EF-regular.

  3. If f (x)≥c > 0 for all xE, then f is E-regular.

\item Obvious.
\item Let $h, k\in A(X)$\ ...
... C^*(X)\subseteq A(X)$, and
$h^{-1} f\vert _E=1$.

Another theorem-type environment was defined at the beginning of this document, called definition. Here is an example of it:

Definition 2.1   For fA(X), we define

$\displaystyle \cal {Z}$(f )= {EZ[Xf is Ec-regular}. (2.1)